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Upstate Active Clinical Trials

Study Title:

A randomized, open label, multi-center, active-comparator study to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of ofatumumab 20mg sc monthly versus continued current therapy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis after elevation of serum neurofilament light levels (SOSTOS)

What is the purpose of the study? (in Layman's terms, please describe the study)

To see if relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis patients that have not had a relapse in the past year would benefit from a switch to Ofatumumab versus staying on their continued current therapy. This study will also look at whether an elevated serum neurofilament light (NfL) level predicts enhanced benefit from a switch to ofatumumab.

Upstate Institutional Review Board (IRB) Number:


Study/Protocol ID:


Study Phase:

Phase 4

Patient Age Group:


Principal Investigator:

Corey A McGraw

What is involved if I participate?

  • How long is the study?
    The total study duration is 21 months plus 1 week for screening/qualification.
  • Is transportation provided or reimbursed?
  • Is parking provided or reimbursed?
  • What tests and procedures are involved?
    Magnetic resonance imaging scans, bloodwork and questionnaires. Some of the enrolled study patients will be randomly selected to wear a study watch to collect information on physical activity, sleep and vitals.

Where will the study take place?

Clinical Research Unit
Institute For Human Performance (IHP)
Rm. 1223, 1st Floor
505 Irving Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13210

Other Information:

Additional information available on clinicaltrials.gov

ClinicalTrials.Gov ID:


For more information about this trial go to ClinicalTrials.Gov

Who can I contact for more information?

Name: Sigiriya E Smolen
Phone: 315-464-9767
Email: [email protected]

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