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EMS and Disaster Medicine Fellowship (ACGME-Accredited)

Jordan Holliday, MD

Jordan Holliday, MD
Program Director


Jodi Butterfield, Coordinator
(315) 464-6194

纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学的紧急医疗服务(EMS)奖学金是首批获得ACGME认证的EMS奖学金项目之一,并一直保持着持续的认证. Upstate的EMS奖学金旨在提供EMS和灾难准备和响应的各个方面的介绍,以准备毕业的研究员顺利过渡到各种会议和地点. 这包括在城市教师指导机构的地面EMS机会, suburban, 以及参与911紧急响应和设施间运输的农村环境.  Upstate的EMS研究员担任CNY AMR的副医疗主任,全年具有毕业自主权和责任.  锡拉丘兹消防局还提供基于火灾的EMS的纵向经验, as well as fireground, rehabilation, rescue and HAZMAT operations.  以医院为基础的机会包括参加推荐最近最火的赌博软件紧急情况管理委员会,包括双月会议, tabletop and full-scale exercises, and after-action reports.  潜在的事件医学机会包括大纽约州博览会的医务室, concerts at the St. Joseph's Health Ampitheater at Lakeview, 还有音乐会和雪城大学的橄榄球和篮球比赛在JMA无线穹顶举行.


An optional, but encouraged operational opportunity, 包括与纽约LifeNet公司合作的强大的空中医疗经验,包括旋翼和固定翼操作.  这包括在丹佛完成AirMethods的培训和教化, 这样他就可以作为机组的第三个临床医生在现场和设备间呼叫时提供医疗服务.  研究员还参与教育和CQI活动, but encouraged operational opportunity, 包括为锡拉丘兹警察局的S.W.A.T. 团队,定期训练并执行大量高风险搜查令.


Upstate的急诊医学模拟技术和培训(EM-STAT)拥有一个内部模拟中心,并作为住院医生和同事教学的主要场所, as well as BLS, ACLS and PALS courses.  The EMS Fellow is supported in their clinical, administrative, 以及急诊医学部行政和研究人员的研究工作.  Benefits include access to office space, financial support to attend educational courses, local, regional and national meetings, textbooks, and EM/EMS apparel and equipment.  Additionally, EMS研究员持有学术职位,并在急诊科获得临床轮班补偿(适用于EM住院医师毕业生)。.

Fellowship Description


Fellowship Experiences


  1. Didactic curriculum and EMS core lecture series:
    • EMS Medicine Core Topics
    • Clinical Foundations (Emergency Medicine Board Review)
    • Fellows' Research Seminar Series
    • EMS Journal Club
    • Tactical Emergency Medical Support didactics and training
    • Fire and Rescue Operations didactics and training
    • Pre-hospital interventions didactic and training.
  2. 参加EMS医学指导(初级和继续教育), continuous quality improvement, field response, medical oversight, and administrative functions).
  3. 在一年的奖学金期限内完成一项EMS研究项目.
  4. 完成EMS系统/机构患者安全/质量改进项目.
  5. 参加全国急救医师协会(NAEMSP)医学主任课程和实习以及年会.
  6. 地方、区域和国家委员会和组织的参与和观察员;
    • CNY EMS Regional EMS Council (REMSCo)
    • 中华人民共和国紧急医疗服务区域紧急医疗咨询委员会
    • New York State EMS Council (SEMSCo)
    • New York State Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (SEMAC)
  7. 参与沟通中心的运营、培训和质量监督活动.
    • AMR Communications Center.
    • Oswego County E-911 Center
  8. 作为飞行医生参与LifeNet中心.  Opportunity for air medical education and CQI case reviews.
  9. 通过推荐最近最火的赌博软件护理人员计划参加初级院前提供者教育.
  10. 参加年度地方和区域院前教育.

如果您对我们的项目有任何疑问,请与我们联系,并与我们讨论纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件急诊医学和纽约中部的生活. In order to initiate the application process, 请将您的意向书和您目前的简历副本发送至:

EMS & Disaster Medicine Fellowship
c/o Jodi Butterfield - Program Coordinator
550 East Genesee Street, Suite 103
Syracuse, NY 13202


Fellowship Faculty

EMS & Disaster Medicine Fellowship Faculty:

Research & Education:

Program Coordinator:

Jodi Butterfield
EMS & Disaster Medicine Fellowship Coordinator
EMSTAT Center, 550 East Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY 13202



Application Process

我们自豪地为您提供最发达、最全面、最先进的EMS服务之一 & Disaster Medicine Fellowships in the country. Please email complete applications to Jodi Butterfield at ButterJo@byum.net 供2024-2025年紧急医疗服务和灾害医学研究金考虑.

The NRMP offers The Match for EMS Fellowships.

请在2023年9月1日前完成申请,以便我们安排面试. 尽快提交申请材料,并让我们知道任何情有可依的情况(如未完成推荐信),以便我们考虑. 已填妥的申请会在收到时予以考虑, and we will arrange interviews accordingly.

面试将在9月18日和9月25日进行在线面试.  10月份还会有其他日期,请查收.  在预定的面试之前,我们会给每位考生发送一个私人链接.

The NRMP Match ranking closes on October 25, 2023 at 9:00pm.

Application requirements:

  1. Up-to-date CV
  2. All steps of USMLE
  3. 三(3)封推荐信(一(1)来自您当前的EM项目主任)

Please contact Jodi Butterfield at ButterJo@byum.net with any further inquiries.

Former Fellows


Lindsay Nausin, DO - 2023
Gregory Sun, DO - 2021
Benjamin Litman, DO - 2020
Jordan Holliday, MD - 2019
W. Seth Dukes, MD - 2016
Erin Wirths, DO - 2015
Susan Schreffler, MD - 2014
Charles Beaudette, MD - 2013
Harry J. Wallus, DO, MPH - 2012
Jeremy Joslin, MD - 2011
Naveen Seth, MD, MBA, EMT-B - 2010
John Lyng, MD NREMT-P - 2009
Lalainia Secreti, MD - 2005
Peter Cuenca, MD - 2005
Christopher J. Fullagar, MD - 2004
