
Upstate 公告 for 2024年1月11日

Upstate Frame of Mind highlights schizophrenia recovery

推荐最近最火的赌博软件心境》的第四集是对Sunny Aslam的采访, MD, 他是一位三重认证的精神科医生,专注于在锡拉丘兹提供高质量的精神科护理和成瘾治疗. The conversation highlights schizophrenia, 复苏是什么样子的, and what it takes to advocate for marginalized people. 收听、喜欢、订阅、访问: http://open.spotify.com/episode/4q1EKrId2hfDC6OjfaoKcG?如果= QCo42t9JRFOs44USb369_Q&nd=1&dlsi = 8 e89991dfbe841b9. 关于本期播客的问题? 给Faiz Kidwai发邮件 (电子邮件保护).



上州移植中心将搬迁到哈里森中心的上州专业服务中心, Suite A, 哈理逊街550号. The location change is to better serve patients. The clinic will welcome patients to the new location beginning Jan. 30. All phone and fax numbers remain the same. For more information about the move, email Linda Curry at (电子邮件保护).



Hope Café opens new locations at Upstate

希望咖啡馆现在星期一到星期五早上7:30在学术大楼的零售区开放.m. to 2:30 p.m. The café serves coffee, lattes, breakfast sandwiches, and lunch items to go.

希望咖啡馆周一至周五上午10点也在韦斯科滕大厅(Weiskotten Hall)九楼营业.m. to 2:30 p.m. This location offers homemade meals each day, including Peruvian style rice or quinoa, veggies, a variety of Peruvian and Latin-inspired meats, 炸鸡, and more.

关于这些地点的问题? 电邮地址:Eric Adams (电子邮件保护).




教师和供应商可以在网上更新他们面向公众的“找医生”简介: http://y3i.byum.net/search/?选项卡=人&ID=. Search name, click Faculty/Provider Profile, and select Update My Profile. Updates and changes can be made, including: 

  • 增加2023年出版物
  • 确保列出正确的位置
  • Include new specialties, certifications, memberships

For help, contact your Find a Doc manager or submit a ticket here: http://y3i.byum.net/websupport



Professional Development and Learning assessment survey reminder

专业发展与学习旨在从员工那里了解当前的需求和围绕劳动力发展的趋势. The survey takes no more than 10 minutes to complete and is available here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5PB3QTN. 截止日期是1月. 25. 

Learning needs assessment surveys ensure we offer courses, microcredential跟踪, and other opportunities that assist with growth and advancement at Upstate. 2020年的学习需求评估导致创建了三个受欢迎的微证书课程:领导自我, Learning to Lead, 领导他人. For more information, email Haley Gravalis at (电子邮件保护)



Professional Development and Learning open enrollment

专业发展与学习课程将于2024年1月至6月开放注册. 有关课程时间表,请浏览: http://y3i.byum.net/hr/document/pdl_open_enrollment_course__jan_to_june_2024.pdf.

要注册课程,请访问: http://y3i.byum.net/pdl/intra/register/index.php?category=61.

考虑报名参加四种流行的微证书课程之一:领导自我, Learning to Lead, Learning to Lead for Nurse Manager Succession (new), 领导他人. 欲知详情,请浏览: http://y3i.byum.net/pdl/intra/services/microcredential/index.php. For more information, email Haley Gravalis at (电子邮件保护).



献血活动是一月. 11 and 12

Blood Drives will be held at Upstate locations Jan. 11 and 12. 如欲登记预约,请浏览: y3i.byum.net/blood. 日程安排如下:

  • Jan. 中午11点到下午5点.m. 1507/1508年瑟诺学术大楼
  • Jan. 从7点到12点.m. to 1 p.m. 在11号的表演中心th 上州哥利萨诺的一层楼



心脏病大查房是一月. 12

西奥多·亚伯拉罕, MD, 加州大学, will present HCM and New Therapies during Cardiology Grand Rounds Friday, Jan. 早上7:30到8:30.m. via WebEx. 如欲加入,请访问: http://upstate.webex.com/upstate/j.php?MTID=m705cd8d9fb8c17dce4af19dbe92c52c7. (Meeting number: 2306 533 0817 Meeting password: Cardiology1). One AMA PRA credit is available to participants. 报告是开放给医学博士,住院医师,研究员,PAs, NPs,注册护士和公众. Questions? 电子邮件:Lisa Carroll (电子邮件保护).



人人都可以做瑜伽. 12 and 19

Yoga for Everyone will be held Friday, Jan. 从12:40到下午1点.m. 在上州立大学医院东塔E8405A室,1月11日星期五. 从早上7:30到8:30.m. 在11号的表演中心th 上州哥利萨诺的一层楼. 每个人的瑜伽是由受过创伤适应瑜伽训练的推荐最近最火的赌博软件临床医生共同促进的. No experience necessary to join and all are welcome. Questions? Email (电子邮件保护).



在1月10日的健康正义会议上,北州通过审查健康倡导来纪念金博士. 15

Upstate will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with its annual student-led Health Justice Conference Monday, Jan. 从7点半开始.m. to 3:30 p.m. 在学术大楼,NAB 4414/BC. 今年会议的主题是:通过教育倡导健康:照亮进步之路. Roselyn Tso, who directs the federal Indian Health Service, 领导一个由近20名受邀演讲者组成的名单,他们将讨论广泛的健康宣传工作. 完整的演讲者名单如下 here. Pre-registration is preferred and can be done here, but registration is also available at the door. 会议免费向公众开放,包括免费早餐和午餐.


护理大查房是一月. 16

Upstate Chief Nursing Officer Scott Jessie, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, 将于2019年1月11日发表《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》. 下午1:30到2:30.m. via WebEx. 要加入请访问: http://upstate.webex.com/upstate/j.php?MTID=m5f578ba1367c81cb8883097f076e2ca8. For more information, contact Mandi Dixon at 315-492-5260 or (电子邮件保护). 参与者将获得1.0接触小时.



Employee Assistance Program hosts events Jan. 16 and 22

Upstate’s Employee Assistance Program will host Hug Your Mug Jan. 从1:30到下午3点.m. at the warehouse complex on Ainsley Drive in Syracuse. This event is for warehouse and annex staff. Stop by for a cup of cocoa and meet an EAP representative. “拥抱你的杯子”活动也将于1月11日举行. 从1:30到下午3点.i’我在11号的表演中心th 上州哥利萨诺的一层楼. 这是东塔员工的活动.



Volunteers sought for breakfast service at Samaritan Center Jan. 17

加入撒玛利亚中心(215 N .)推荐最近最火的赌博软件新兴领袖联合的成员. State St.), as the group helps with breakfast service Wednesday, Jan. 从早上6:15到9点.m. The Samaritan Center mission is No One Goes Hungry. To participate, or for more information, email (电子邮件保护) 或斯科特·尼尔 (电子邮件保护).



妇女健康服务将于1月10日关闭. 19

Women’s Health Services will close Friday, Jan. 19号以适应地点变更到北州医疗中心的三楼, 围产期中心对面. 此举将把妇产科服务整合到三楼,并将妇女健康服务的临床空间增加一倍,以适应不断扩大的体量. 诊所将于1月10日重新开业. 3073套房22号. All phone and fax numbers remain the same.



推荐最近最火的赌博软件创新日是1月10日. 23

推荐最近最火的赌博软件创新日将于1月11日举行. 23从8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the CNY Biotech Accelerator Theater, 841 E. Fayette St., Syracuse. 制药, 生物和医疗器械研究和商业化-包括纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的CNY生物技术加速器医疗器械创新挑战赛(MDIC) -Pitch Event将提供5美元的奖金,000英镑奖金. The program is free but registration is required, here: 哪些登记. There are a limited number of exhibit tables available. If interested in, email Kathi Durdon at (电子邮件保护).



纽约的养老金是1月. 25

纽约州延期退休计划和纽约州地方退休系统将于周四举办一场关于养老金基础知识和养老金如何为未来提供帮助的教育演讲, Jan. 从中午到下午1:15.m. via WebEx. There will be Q and A sessions throughout the webinar. 需要注册. 如欲登记,请浏览: http://nationwidega.webex.com/weblink/register/r365c639dd6f1cab86bdd6e0d69c42c06



校长优异分类服务奖提名截止日期为2月1日. 1

2023-2024年度校长分类服务卓越奖正在寻求提名. 该奖项旨在表彰以CSEA为代表的国家机密服务雇员, PEF and PBA of NYS for excellence and superior service. 提名截止日期为2月. 1, and should be emailed to Megan Chase, Human Resources, at (电子邮件保护). For additional information and nomination form visit:http://y3i.byum.net/pdl/intra/services/upstate_stars/chancellor-award.php



世界癌症日是2月10日. 5

Join 北州癌症中心, She Matters and the Mammovan Monday, Feb. 5点到11点.m. to 2 p.m. for a World Cancer Day information and screening event at Salt City Market. 世界癌症日是一项国际倡议,旨在以积极和鼓舞人心的方式提高对癌症的认识. Information and valuable resources about cancer prevention, 放映, 并且会提供治疗. 纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的Mammovan医院将从上午9点开始现场提供乳腺癌筛查.m. to 3 p.m. To schedule a mammogram, call 315-464-2588 or visit y3i.byum.net/noexcuses.



Upstate Foundation Valentine Ball for All is Feb. 7

上州基金会和盐城勇士队将在周三举办全民情人节舞会, Feb. 7 .晚上6:30到8:30.m. 在锡拉丘兹的Drumlins乡村俱乐部. The inclusive format replaces the Father Daughter Valentine Ball, and is open to any child or children age 3 and up and their parent(s), 监护人或照顾者. 这次活动将提供娱乐活动, 特别的客人, 在脸上画画, 展位照片, 一个工艺项目, 礼物及更多. Proceeds will benefit the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Campaign. Attendance is limited, so register soon at 情人节舞会(纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件基金会.org). For more information, email Danielle Bright at (电子邮件保护).



Author of the Doctors Blackwell to speak at Elizabeth Blackwell Day Feb. 7.

Janice P. Nimura, 布莱克威尔医生的作者, 将于周三在上州医科大学庆祝伊丽莎白·布莱克威尔日, Feb. 7 at noon in the Ninth Floor Auditorium of Weiskotten Hall. 该活动对公众开放.

尼穆拉将讨论她的书, 布莱克威尔医生, which tells of the tenacity and vision of sisters, 伊丽莎白和爱米丽, 他们成为了医生的先驱. Elizabeth Blackwell earned her medical degree in 1849 from what is now 上州医科大学 becoming the first woman physician in the United States; Emily received her medical degree in 1854 from what is now Case Western Reserve University. 《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》曾是《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》畅销书,并入围2022年普利策传记奖. This year, 2024, 纪念伊丽莎白·布莱克威尔在现在的上州获得博士学位175周年. Nimura访问的共同赞助者是美国妇女医学协会学生分会、美国妇女医学协会主席Sabrina Sun和总统办公室



对你来说容易的是二月. 13

轻松为你,上州的烟草治疗项目,将于2月6日星期二举行. 从11:30开始.m. 到下午12:30.m. in room C3069 on the third floor of 北州癌症中心. 欢迎持有北州身份证的人在戒烟、咀嚼和吸电子烟方面获得帮助. Free nicotine replacement therapy is available. 欲了解更多信息,请致电315-464-3519联系杰克逊·塔尔或卡罗琳·瓦尔奇克 (电子邮件保护).


Burger King campaign benefits Upstate Golisano now through Feb. 14

Visit a Burger King location in Syracuse, 宾厄姆顿, Watertown, Utica/Rome and receive $6 worth of coupons for $1 now through Feb. 14. 优惠券可于2月6日至12日兑换. 3月14日及3月31日.




寻求志愿者成为慢性病自我管理计划(CDSMP)的认证同行领导者。. 上州绿洲将于4月15日至18日上午8:30为CDSMP提供同行领导培训.m. to 4:30 p.m. 在上州绿洲,6333号公路298,东. Syracuse. Attendance all four days is required for certification.

CDSMP是一个以同伴为主导的健康项目,专为18岁及以上有任何持续健康问题的成年人设计. 参与者获得资格和证书,以领导互动式社区讲习班,帮助人们提高自我管理技能,帮助控制其持续的健康状况.  To register or for more information e-mail (电子邮件保护) 或致电(315)447-3434.

有关CDSMP的更多信息,请访问: http://y3i.byum.net/hospital/health/healthlink/living-healthy.php. The program is coordinated with the Self-Management Resource Center. 有关该中心的更多信息,请访问: http://selfmanagementresource.com.
